pimm's cup! the best summer drink ever. pimm's liquor+ginger ale+sprite+lemons
all the different cups for all the different drinks!
all the different cups for all the different drinks!
one of the other interns randomly decided to buy fireworks so on saturday night we had a fireworks party (: complete with rum and ginger ale! (which really tastes like cream soda yumm) i think the photos turned out pretty awesome
these were really cool cos they were roman candles which means like a few rays of fireworks pop out in three second intervals. cos it was dark and at f3.5, the light rays were all captured! the shutter was open for like 30 seconds i swear
so i guess it's getting a lot better here (: more to do and more people. today i went to volunteer at these womens' facility for mothers recovering from drug abuse. so when they go for their weekly two hour narcotics anonymous meeting, we look after the babies! they are so cuute omggg one of them (10 months) has hair that's like a fuzzy peach. he will be referred to as "peach head" from now forth. peach head can't walk but likes to crawl and climb. he thought i was a jungle gym. he also likes to drool. alot. but is forgiven cos i get to rub his fuzzy little peach head and fat little belly. when peach head lies on your lap on his back and you pull his legs up to his face, he giggles. he's so cuuute. i baby talked for a solid two hours. i'm going back every week to help out. but, things i will hire professions to do for my baby in the future:
1. check diaper
2. change diaper
3. burp baby
4. clean up baby throw up
5. wipe up drool
oh yeah and peach head's real name is caleb.
until next timee
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