Monday, June 29, 2009

mature panties

omg this is so embarrassing. so you know how you plan what clothes to wear? but you never plan panties right? i went to bed in bright blue panties then wore a dress to work. it's not that sheer, you guys have seen it before (no there's no big hole in the back) but for some reason you could see my panties! arghhh well kinda see. i thought you could see. i was so self conscious about it the whooole day ): the dress is tan colored by the way with a pattern! so i don't understand! arrrrrrr

anyway. the couple i'm living with (more precisely the woman) likes to buy things. EVERYTHING. her house is full of interesting junk. she has a closet full of hats. she makes sea shell necklaces. there's plates hanging on all the walls. and she recently accquired a pair of multi colored, kinda quilted pants that surely has indian or thai descent. its pretty awesome. anyway she bought me this dress! so nice right?? i wanted to pay her back but then she told me she bought it at a vintage store for TWO DOLLARS. holy shit if i could buy things for that cheap, my house would be full of junk too.

here's some other funky junk she's got.

the porch/sun garden room

dining room. the vine twined around the chandilier was added in by her

isn't this the most disgusting shit you have ever seen?? it's an heirloom tomato OMG it's so gross. it's supposed to be "meatier" than a normal tomato. who the hell wants to eat a meaty tomato??


this is a french knife (i think) it's made specially to decorate watermelons. you know those pretty ridges you see on the side when people cut watermelons in half? yuuup here's how you do it.

much lovve.

1 comment:

  1. Heirloom tomatoes! What I would do for heirloom veggies...
